· Don’t cross your limits: While betting, never ever bet out of your limits. If you don’t have the funds to cover your betting amount, it’s advisable to stay well within your limits, to avoid any kind of future unaffordable losses.
· Follow winning trends: Like any smart strategist, it’s imperative to follow the winning trends, and then decide which team to bet on. As is the case with any sport, the winning teams will always keep moving up, allowing you to make profits always.
· Always follow your gut feeling: It’s been proved that your gut feeling is always strong enough to overtake any trends. If you feel strongly about a team or a player, you should go ahead and bet on it. If you can back up your gut feeling with some past wins, you can become invincible.
· Take risks, but in measured quantities: Betting is all about risking; as it is said, there is no gain without pain. In this case, the only pain you can think of is related to the pain of losing your hard earned money, in case your bet goes awry at the last minute.
· Look at the teams before putting your money on them: The more you bet, the more you will realize which team has a winning streak. Some cricket teams have famous partnerships, which propel the team towards a solid win. South Africa and Pakistan are two such teams.
· Don’t bet on draw test matches: Try and understand which team has the momentum to go till the very end. Long test matches often tend to wear the players out and it becomes difficult to understand which team will win the match. Avoid betting on draw test matches, for best results.
With this extensive list of free cricket betting tips, even an amateur can expect to rake in some dough eventually. The more you bet, the more seasoned you become and the more you earn. Choose your teams wisely and see how things begin to turn in your favor.
Source by http://www.bhaijicricketbettingtips.com
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